Wednesday, May 1, 2024



The most profitable companies prioritize “Organization Effectiveness”.


Organization effectiveness should be reviewed on a recurring basis to optimize performance.


Transformation Project


Transparency Initiatives:


The Phase One process includes the following:

Clarity of Organization Structure

Roles and Responsibilities of functions

Roles and Responsibilities of Leaders and team members

Accountability and Ownership (defined)

Decisions Rights

As part of the decision rights analysis it would be helpful to define a decision matrix for key decisions within each group to define which items require elevation for approval and which require presentation into defined management forums.


The Second Phase includes define and review of key processes within the group and across the organization

Select examples may include:

The sales to contracting process

The bookings and revenue forecasting process

The budgeting process, and quarterly forecasting process

The reporting of results vs plan

The workforce planning cycle and reporting

The employee lifecycle (identification of a need, recruitment, hiring, onboarding, objectives setting, clarity of role and decision rights, incentives alignment, monitoring and measurement, role progression, growth opportunities, etc…)

The objectives setting, performance monitoring, measurement and appraisal process

The rank ordering of companywide employee requests and selection process for support (Enterprise Applications, Facilities, People, Legal, Accounting, Finance, etc..), framework and filter of requests for execution timing decisions

The selection of Enterprise Systems for deployment, modifications and enhancements, system Architecture design and selection reviews for scale and effectiveness, security requirements, etc…)

The procurement process and delegated decision rights, negotiation framework

Manager and employee training including certification process to follow policies

Exceptional items approval request process, etc….


The Third Phase includes proposed future state of designing improvements or redesign to processes for a more clear and effective organization.


The Fourth Phase is selection and implementation of a more effective process.